Ils remportent le prix "Top entreprise Tours 2022" | Le succès du vaccin nasal anti COVID-19
On Monday December 12, 2022, the "La Nouvelle République" group organized the "Top entreprise 2022" evening at the Palais des Congrès in Tours.
The aim of this event is to reward the performance, innovation and creativity of new companies such as the start-up LoValTech, which won the "Prix spéciale Tours métropole" for the development of its nasal vaccine against COVID-19.
LoValTech was represented that evening by Isabelle Dimier-Poisson, General and Scientific Director and co-founder of Lovaltech, and Patrick Barillot, CEO and co-founder of Lovaltech.
The prize is awarded by Thibault Coulon, Vice-President of Economic Development, Research and Innovation at Tours Métropole.